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India Watermelon Trial & Testimonials
CropBioLife Watermlon Trial Presentation
Discover the remarkable impact of CropBioLife's foliar application on watermelon crops in this comprehensive trial conducted at Village Wadanage, Taluka Karveer, District Kolhapur. After just 15 days and one application, treated plants displayed 13.3 branches compared to 10.8 in untreated plants, a leaf area of 13.15 compared to 9.79, and leaf brix readings of 11.8 compared to 11.3.
Following a second application, the trial revealed a 3.89% increase in fruit diameter, a 9.52% increase in the number of fruit per plant, and a 1.3% increase in leaf brix.
The third observation, conducted 20 days after the second application, showcased a 10.53% increase in the number of fruit, a 2.41% increase in fruit diameter, a 1.8% increase in fruit brix, a 14.69% increase in yield per plant in kg, and a 14.72% increase in yield per acre.
In conclusion, CropBioLife's foliar application has demonstrated its ability to significantly improve watermelon crop performance by increasing the number of fruit set, fruit size and weight, leaf and fruit brix, and overall plant biomass.